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Ad #1

The humble cup.

The cup of champions.

At the side of a road under the bright morning sun, a plastic cup sits on a folding table, nestled between dozens of its fellows. Filled to the brim with ice cold water, the cup waits patiently for its big moment. The water in the cup trembles from the vibration of hundreds of feet striking the pavement nearby.

Suddenly, it's time. A smiling volunteer scoops up the cup and offers it to a weary runner. It’s just what he needed to push him through those last excruciating kilometres to the finish line.

A plastic cup—like millions of other goods and products—is made from the polymers produced by Muntajat. When that tossed-aside cup is the key to a first place finish: that’s when our products go from ordinary to extraordinary.

 Ad #2

A simple asparagus.

A culinary muse.

In the fertile earth of a thriving farm, bright green stalks of asparagus reach skyward. After two weeks of sun, rain and nourishing soil, they are ready. Soon, they will be harvested, cleaned and transported to kitchens all over the world. Who knows what culinary masterpieces this beautiful produce might inspire?

Asparagus—a simple vegetable—is grown successfully around the globe using fertilisers produced by Muntajat. When the farm-fresh produce spurs your creative impulses: that’s when our products go from ordinary to extraordinary.

Ad #3

A functional keyboard.

Lifeline to a virtual world.

Inside a cardboard box sealed neatly with tape, wrapped carefully in packing paper, lays a keyboard. When it reaches its destination, this well-worn keyboard will be one of the first things its owner sets up in her new apartment.  

As she starts up her computer and rests her fingers on the familiar keys, poised to email her family, this new place begins to seem a bit less foreign and a little more like home.

Keyboards—like many other electrical appliances—are made using chemicals produced by Muntajat. When your favourite belongings make you feel at ease no matter where you are in the world: that’s when our products go from ordinary to extraordinary.