2020 was… well, frankly it was a mess. I need more fun in my life in 2021. And you know what sounds like fun to me? Collaborating with you on a sweet, sweet business prankody (that’s prank + parody).*
Last month, you floated the idea of assembling a group of merry pranksters for the purpose of creative shenanigans. Here’s why you need me on that team:
I’ve written copy for clients in more than two dozen industries.
Which makes me a pro at nailing the personality of allll kinds of different companies and leaders, both real and imagined.
I write all the usual types of copywriter-ish content (sales pages, email campaigns, blog posts)…
…and so much more.
Basically, I can give voice to whatever kind of mischief you have in mind.
I’ve worked with big brands.
Little brands.
Brands that know their sh*t.
And brands that were full of it.
My 16 years of PR, agency, and in-house marketing experience means I can smell corporate BS speak from a mile away.
Not only do I have a keen nose for hyperbole, platitudes, and jargon… I’m diabolically good at riffing on them for comedic effect.
For now, I’m just a girl, sliding into your DMs, asking you to make up a fake company with me.
What do you say, RKA? Will you do pranks with me? (Click one)
*Rejected portmanteaus: Hoank (hoax + prank, also a noise that sick geese make), Pranx (sounds like knockoff shapewear), Hoof (hoax + spoof, too bovine).